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vinyl adhesive?
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Author:  Conor_Searl [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  vinyl adhesive?

I'm looking for glue for binding. I've got an old tube of something called Vinyl Adhesive, but its almost out. Stew Mac has binding glue, but won't ship it to Canada (which is where I am). I ordered something from Amazon, but it seemed to melt the plastic binding (kind of like the acetone did when I bonded the strips of binding together), and so I'm hesitant to use it on the guitar I'm working on as I don't want to ruin the finish. It says it has methyl acetate in the glue among other things...

Author:  joshnothing [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

I don't have huge experience on plastic glues but the few I've seen and used do function by dissolving the plastic somewhat. I won't bother to mention brand names as this stuff doesn't get shipped across international borders very often and the locally available ones in Australia here won't be the same ones you'd get in Canada or the US. Never used glues of this type on a finished instrument, so I didn't have to deal with collateral finish damage.

I believe Woodie posted some details in the last few months about a process for regluing loose plastic binding without causing too many finish issues - I believe thin CA was used.

Author:  Hesh [ Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

Dave does the Martin loose binding reglues for us and he does indeed use thin, quality CA AND no accelerator since that will white foam it up. The more more careful you are the less chance of having any finish issues.. He's pretty skilled at it and I've rarely seen him have any finish issues if ever with binding reglues.

If the bindings are loose because they shrunk say at the waist they have to be unshrunk and we use a heat gun with a variable temperature and it's been religiously checked for temp accuracy. Heating bindings can be problematic if you get them too hot and old school bindings can catch on fire so temp control on the heat gun is a must. I know these are vinyl.

Author:  Chris Pile [ Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

I've done binding with Titebond, Duco Cement, and CA glues. Of course - care was taken in all cases. CA is quickest, of course (time is money).

Author:  dzsmith [ Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

I believe that is Weldon #16.
I found it to be pretty much the same as Stew Macs binding cement.
It is a solvent cement. It’s messy to work with, but cleanup is not too bad.
I don’t know if it will affect a finish.
The last time I ordered it, it cost $15 for shipping.
I found a tube of Ducco cement at Ace hardware I’m gonna try.
I usually just wick in acetone, but my current project has some tight bends that require a bit of working time to adhere and tape.

Author:  Conor_Searl [ Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

This is an old cheap Guild, the binding all crumbled and fell off, so we're re-binding it. I like the old vinyl adhesive I have because it just rubs off almost like rubber cement once its cured. I'm just unsure if this will do that. I'll test it under a tuning key.

Author:  Barry Daniels [ Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: vinyl adhesive?

The adhesive's solvent is very "hot" in order to melt the surface of plastic, so it will most likely damage the lacquer.

Several years ago I replaced the binding on a J-45 with Mario's technique involving applying acetone to the plastic binding just prior to gluing up with Titebond. It's still holding so far.

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